GTG Karaoke Showdown
It's a GTG Karaoke Showdown at Big aLICe Brewing
Friday, April 4th at 6pm
Will YOU be crowned as the Karaoke Champ?!
Geneva Theatre Guild will be at Big aLICe Brewing for three competitive rounds of Karaoke - and some non-competitive opportunities sprinkled in - to raise funds for GTG's summer 2025 programming
With the support of Big aLICe, you can have a Friday Night of Fun and get a great deal for a great cause: $25 gets you TWO large pours of your favorite Big aLICe brews and EIGHT tickets to vote for the best Karaoke Crooners. YOUR VOTES will select the winner(s) of the evening and support the performing arts in Geneva! PLUS, put your name on your tickets and you get placed in the running to win GTG merch and other door prizes throughout the night
Not a big fan of beer? Don't worry! You can still try any of Big aLICe's tasty beverage treats and we will have more tickets available to purchase for voting and prizes
So come out and support your local artists at a friendly neighborhood business on Friday, April 4th with Geneva Theatre Guild at Big aLICe Brewing!